Since 2016 our Rotary Club of Scottsdale North has been donating to PROJECT AMIGO in the form of an annual $600 scholarship for a high school student. This enables students in west-central Mexico to continue their secondary education by paying for books, school supplies, uniforms, registration, lab fees, hot lunch, and bus money, which they would otherwise not be able to afford.
These students must maintain a GPA of 8.5, do a minimum of 10 hours of monthly community service, attend a weekly homework club, and write a monthly e-mail letter to us.
This past year our new student so impressed us with his first letter that we decided to donate $600 for another student. She has also written to us now. Both these young students are so appreciative and extremely conscientious!
We recently received this update in a letter to Donors from the Project Amigo staff. We sponsor two High School students in Colima, Mexico:

Queridos Amigos,
We are pleased to report that our University, High School and Junior High level Project Amigo scholars are all doing well!  Our total number of students is currently nearing 200, and we still need a few more sponsors.  The three hundred plus elementary school children who participate in our incentive programs are having fun and learning and growing in ways they would not have believed possible.